Infographic created for Momentum, the newsletter of the School of Education at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, VA. The goal was to show the School of Education's positive impact on Richmond schools in a more fun, visually appealing way than a traditional bar graph or chart. Existing iconography was incorporated into the design of the flowers with a bee in VCU colors pollinating those education flowers.

A partly hand-drawn, partly digital illustration done to create a memorial print in honor of a family member's beloved pet Shetland sheepdog, Molly.

Close-up of the illustration for the Molly: Shetland Sheepdog print.

Original hand-drawn artwork was created using pencil that was then scanned, refined and converted to a vector artwork for use on promotional posters, advertisements and fliers.

Original artwork was drawn in Sharpie marker, scanned, refined and converted to vector artwork for use on promotional posters, postcards, advertisements and invitations.

Original hand-drawn artwork was scanned and converted to a vector illustration for the Take Back the Night event promotional posters and T-shirts

Linoleum block print illustration for fiction article telling the story of an HIV-positive prisoner with a life defined by a daily cocktail of medications who discovers self-respect and success through teaching other inmates to read, eventually feeling more free and at peace inside the prison than he ever felt prior to his incarceration.

An illustration created for Radford University's alumni magazine to accompany an article on archeological research on ancient Indian bones to determine the diet and health of ancient Indian populations.

A linoleum block illustration created for Radford University to accompany a series of articles exploring interactions between the sexes at work, at school and at home.

A hand-tinted block print illustration created for a Radford University alumni magazine article on the university's groundbreaking music therapy program. Researchers have discovered that many people, especially children, who have proven unresponsive to traditional therapeutic strategies can be treated effectively when music is introduced into the therapy mix.

Hand-tinted collage illustration for the front cover of Radford University's alumni magazine. The wraparound illustration continued onto the back cover and was created to support an article on the university's Writing Across the Curriculum initiative in which writing assignments were incorporated into areas such as business and science classes in a effort to improve the writing skills of all students so they would be better equipped to write memos, technical reports and business communications post graduation.