A lack of high quality, high resolution photographs presented a challenge throughout this project. The watercolor treatment of the cover image was initially pursued simply as a means of compensating for an inadequate photo. In the end, it added a dramatic aesthetic touch that would have been missing from a straightforward photograph.

Exterior (top) and interior (bottom) of OuterBanksThisWeek.com Magazine media kit

Sell sheet and rate card for OuterBanksThisWeek.com

OuterBanksThisWeek.com digital marketing media kit

Informational fundraising flyer for Dare Education Foundation's Schools First campaign: The design challenge here was to make the orange cover flap (perforated at the left edge to accommodate a returnable response/donor form on the reverse side) match up perfectly with the headline and logotype at the top of the flyer.

The ghosted red text on the Report to the Community cover subtly identifies the numerous programs by which Children & Youth Partnership benefits the families of Dare County before readers even turn the first page. The interior spread shows how the design strategy first seen on the cover transitions to interior content pages.

Sell sheets promoting properties in Inlet Beach and Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, handled by Linda Miller of Rosemary Beach Real Estate, a prominent realtor in the Florida Panhandle. Design/art direction: Michael Lay; Copywriting: Jack Smith